
Motorcycle Lifestyle

2018 Harley Davidson LIVE Reveal


About a week before the new 2018 Harley-Davidson motorcycles were shown to the world, I got a call. I about pee'd myself when I found out that Harley wanted to include me in the reveal of their beautiful lineup. 10 people from all different backgrounds and all over the world were chosen to reveal the motorcycles, and how in the world did I get so lucky?! I won't question it, but I do want to say thank you to everyone who has believed in me on this journey. I love sharing the passion for two-wheels with you all. The community of Harley riders is one that I am ultimately grateful for. You all just get it. 

I am SO honored to be receiving a 2018 Softail hopefully in October. I will then be able to give you guys a first hand look at all the changes/upgrades/rideability factors. Until then, I hope you guys have gotten the chance to take them on a spin! 

Stay safe, take care, and enjoy the road yall!